[Live-demo] 52nWPS install script

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Wed Jun 30 08:41:52 EDT 2010


I would like to add, that you should take care to change the default
tomcat port numbers to something different, as otherwise only one
tomcat-depending application will be runable at the same time.

This does concern your http://localhost:80xx/someservice/ as well as the
tomcat connector, shutdown and redirect ports.

Please see the spread sheet linked at
for port numbers already in use by other applications.

(I am not sure the list is complete on port numbers, though...)

Kind regards,
Judit Mays

Cameron Shorter schrieb:
> Kristof,
> The tomcat provided by Ubuntu a few versions back was broken, and so as
> a consequence projects have been installing their own version of tomcat.
> You are welcome to do the same. See install_deegree.sh as an example.
> On 30/06/10 20:54, Kristof Lange wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I´ve got a question concerning the tomcat6 installation out of the
>> repos on the livedvd. I tried to deploy our 52nWPS.war there but got
>> some errors.
>> SEVERE: Cannot find specific temporary folder at
>> /usr/share/tomcat6/temp..
>> WARNING: Can´t load server.xml from /usr/share/tomcat6/conf/server.xml
>> And some other files couldn´t be find. I know, that this is a typical
>> error for installations of tomcat6 out of the ubuntu-repos. My
>> question is, if I can install a tomcat from the binaries under
>> /usr/local/52nWPS/tomcat6 where I will deploy the war-archive? Or is
>> there any other common webapp-folder which will work? Otherwise I
>> think there will be some problems with multiple tomcat instances..
>> Best regards
>> Kristof L.

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