[Live-demo] version 3.0-rc2

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Mar 3 05:18:35 EST 2010

Judit Mays wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have only just looked at the current 3.0-rc2 in my virtual box today.
> * One thing I noticed was the missing terminal icon in the tool bar. It
> was there in 2.0, wasn't it?  Should it be added (again)?
That was probably whatever the Xubuntu default was.

> * Will the pending software updates be included in the final release?
> Currently xubuntu calls for 55 updates.

Whatever is current at time of build gets included by the scripts.

> * One other thing:
> the "included software" on the HELP page (from
> file:///usr/local/share/livedvd-docs/index.html) seems to be a bit
> chaotic. I would propose to either sort the packages alphabetically, or
> sort them with regard to content (services, tools, ..., using the same
> groups as within the "Applications" grouping).

I also noticed something seemed off here.

> I think sorting of some sorts is really important to people new to the
> DVD and the OSGeo world. Someone looking at this list, with GeoServer
> right up front, deegree somewhere in the middle and MapServer even
> further down the line, will that person be able to figure that these
> apps are offering similar things? So sorting on content seems to be a
> good idea.
> On the other hand, since the applications grouping will not give a good
> overview of what is available altogether, the index.html might better be
> sorted alphabetically.
> Either way, IMHO, having the list unsorted should be avoided.
> What do you think?
> Once a decision is formed, I would volunteer to change the sorting, if
> someone pointed me to the right location.
> Greetings,
> Judit
I'll look at again and maybe we can decide in at the meeting in about 1
day. All the docs stuff is in the docs folder of svn if you want to look
at how it gets put together, and of course look at the
install_main_docs.sh script.


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