[Live-demo] sample OSM data for Gosmore

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 3 05:29:39 EST 2010

Thanks Dane, all,

> Yes this is a very good idea. Having a sample .osm file
> around will benefit many applications. In addition to the
> ones you note QGIS and Mapnik can also render .osm
> directly.
> Makes sense to meet to grab Barcelona, which can be as easy as:
> $ wget -O barcelona.osm http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=1.998653,41.307213,2.343693,41.495207
> Downloading from the osmxapi takes about 6 minutes and is
> around 20MB. I've reposted here:
> http://dbsgeo.com/tmp/barcelona.osm
> ... so you can access quicker.

thanks. I have now added that file (.bzip2'd) to
 (see READMEs there for comments)

and modified the OSM install script to add it to the disc.

We should (in some months time) -at the last moment redownload that file
so it includes all of the latest OSM edits.

> We should also push the .osm file into postgis/postgres with osm2pgsql.
> $ createdb -T template_postgis osm_barcelona
> $ osm2pgsql -d osm_barcelona barcelona.osm

after thinking about it I think it might be better to just include the
raw .osm file on the disc (ie a basic starting point if you don't have
a network connection), and list the above commands in the tutorials
in order to demonstrate/teach the workflow.



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