[Live-demo] FW: IRC meeting to discuss RC3 and final releases of the liveDVD

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 04:42:47 EST 2010

Hamish wrote:
> Cameron wrote:
>> We have also worked out how to create HTML output from an
>> Open Office document (using abiword command line interface),
>> and so the next step is to move all HTML docs into
>> OpenOffice docs and then we will be able to include images
>> in the descriptions.
> ?
> what's the problem with just using something like
> <br>
> <img src="images/qgis/qgis_screenshot.png" align=middle>
> <br>
> in the *_description.html files?
> once you switch to machine-generated HTML it is not easy to edit by hand
> ever again, or to quickly review changes via a diff.
> k.i.s.s. principle..
> Hamish

I think our Live DVD build process provides an excellent platform for 
developing of training material, and documentation and similar efforts 
for the education community, among others. This is what I'm hoping will 
be the focus of version 4 of the live DVD. - Quality documentation.

Many educators are not geeks, and are not going to get involved in 
creating documentation if it involves writing raw HTML. However, they 
would be fine creating documentation in familiar tools (like word, or 
OpenOffice). Hence I propose that we move toward using OpenOffice as the 
primary format, and convert to PDF or HTML from that format.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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