[Live-demo] Add all installed application to the menu at the top of the desktop.

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Mar 7 19:20:08 EST 2010

Alex Mandel wrote:
> Hamish wrote:
>> Hamish:
>>>> ps- where has the "Desktop GIS" desktop folder gone in
>>>> the screenshot?
>> Alex: 
>>> Don't know, that's how the desktop looked after running the
>>> scripts. I didn't move anything.
>> weird. maybe there is some xfce ~/Desktop/Desktop* recursive bug
>> happening. I tested it on the 2.0 liveDVD and it seemed to work
>> ok. does it exist in the filesystem?
>> Hamish
> The folder is there. Are you sure when you made it that you gave the
> name as Desktop\ GIS. Maybe it was tripping on the space. I tested a
> rename and it showed up and then mv back to Desktop\ GIS and now it
> shows up.
> Alex

Looking at it some more I'm not sure we've done a very good job of
sorting the icons either.

The GeoTools folder (Maybe Utilities instead of Tools), not sure that
one makes sense. R should be in the Desktop folder anyways. As for how
to decide when something is Navigation and Maps seems fuzzy too. Mapfish
is definitely a Server, and the OSM editors seem to fall into a weird in
between land.

I'm also thinking about another folder: Databases with PGAdmin/Postgis
icon(doesn't exist) and the Spatialite GUI.

Other things to sort(I'll start doing some assuming I can figure it out):
 Spatialite GIS
 Geoserver Start/Stop/Admin/Documentation
 Deegree Start/Stop
Navigation and Maps:
 Mapnik? - or is that a Server in this case.


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