[Live-demo] gvSIG, geokettle

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Wed Mar 10 11:33:34 EST 2010

Hi All-

   I was poking around at varous apps yesterday in preparation for the 
next build...
There is some minor error in the gvSIG sample project, which tried to 
load the uDig data, from apparently the right place on this disk, but 
fails.. A dialog lets you choose the right files, one at a time, which 
then works fine.. I ran out of time so I stopped looking into it past 

   Secondly, although the geokettle install comes with quite a bit of 
data and scripts and other, I found nothing that answered the question 
"What do you type in to the intro login when running geokettle" .. its 
really annoying.. I have not entered anything on the Testing wiki 

   ps- I did run /opt/geokettle/runSamples.sh via CLI
* you must be in the /opt/geokettle dir for it to work
* it takes more than 30 minutes to run
* it produces many errors, as well as many successes
* it was not obvious where the output went, or how you could see it

   best regards

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
(415) 717-4462 cell

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