[Live-demo] Re: install_ossim.sh adds icons to the desktop

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 15 19:49:04 EDT 2010

Cameron wrote:
> Running ossim.sh adds icons to the desktop.

ALL install_*.sh scripts should be adding their icons to the

> Hamish, is that something that needs to be fixed in the
> script, or is the icon moved later in the build process?

they are sorted later in the build process. specifically by
install_desktop.sh. here is the breakdown:

DESKTOP_APPS="grass qgis gvsig openjump uDig ossimplanet Kosmo_2.0_RC1"
NAV_APPS="MapFish marble gpsdrive opencpn mapnik-* josm gosmore"
SERVER_APPS="deegree-* geoserver-* *geonetwork* geomajas-* mapserver"
SPATIAL_TOOLS="maptiler imagelinker r spatialite-* geokettle"
DB_APPS=""  # pgadmin, sqlitebrowser, etc

In addition anything with the correct keyword gets sucked into
the menu (e.g. anything with Categories=Database gets pulled
into the DB menu automatically)

if something in the above is miscategorized (from the users'
perspective) please speak up!



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