[Live-demo] MapGuide Open Source for Live DVD 4.0

Trevor Wekel trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com
Mon Mar 22 23:58:50 EDT 2010

Hello list,

The MapGuide project would like to be included on Live DVD 4.0.  I am currently working on Ubuntu packaging scripts for MapGuide to make DVD installation easier.  Once the packaging is complete, I should be able to start on the install/configure script for the DVD.

So here are a few questions to start with:

- Is http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/ open for business as usual?
- Can we install our own Apache server running on 8008?
- Is installing packaged binaries to /usr/local allowed?
- At what point will the Live DVD be switched to Ubuntu 10.04?
- Are there any limitations on disk space per project?


Trevor Wekel
Principal Consultant | OTX Systems
(403) 870-1582 | trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com

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