[Live-demo] OSGeo wiki or google spread sheet?
Judit Mays
mays at lat-lon.de
Fri Mar 26 05:01:11 EDT 2010
ah, I have not been reading Cameron's last mail (new apps for 4.0) with
enough attention.
Spreadsheets are so much easy to manipulate and insert formlas in than
wiki tables.
--quote end--
This is the answer to my question. Easy enough.
Well, I am not too happy but I can live with it. Just always make sure
that tables are editable without google account please.
Judit Mays schrieb:
> Hi list,
> could anyone kindly update me on the reason for moving the package list
> from OSGeo wiki [1] to google spread sheet [2]? Probably this decision
> made very good sense and I am just not seeing the obvious.
> Personally, using google would not be my preference. I'd rather keep the
> relevant content to the OSGeo wiki. We all already have access to the
> OSGeo wiki and the OSGeo svn and that is all we should need.
> And, the wiki is the number one location where people interested in
> joining the live crowd should be able to find everything they need to know.
> If editing was only possible via login (like [3]), I should add that
> I am not prepared to get me a google account.
> For completeness sake, the third page in google I know of is the
> time line for releases[4].
> Kind regards,
> Judit
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Packages
> [2] "Live GIS Disk Packages"
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB
> [3] "LiveDVD Printing Cost"
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AifEHeRRT620dFVfTkMzT3dUdU5mcm9rSXctREg0Z0E&hl=en
> [4] "GeoSpatial Live DVD Schedule"
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdE1SYUN3YWJ2N1NpSUczbW9IRWZNclE&hl=en_GB
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