[Live-demo] OSGeo Production Server

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 16:37:07 EDT 2010

  Good points Johan,
I think the key here is to firstly scope the size of the task, then put 
guidelines in place for what is required from each project for it to be 
included in a production server release.
Projects are then only included in the production server release if a 
volunteer can be found to meet the packaging requirements.
If the production server concept becomes as successful as I think it has 
the potential for, then I expect that projects will make it a priority 
to package and maintain their software in a format suitable for the 
production server.

On 1/10/2010 4:53 PM, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> I think it would be a nice idea to create some kind of osgeo
> repository at some point. Having packages of osgeo products which can
> easily be installed and uninstalled would be very nice. On the other
> hand creating packages for some packages may prove to be very
> difficult if we want to keep up with all debian packaging guidelines
> (a *lot* of java libraries will have to be packed, which may/may not
> have an upstream with sensible source releases. Apart from that,
> license problems may keep out many packages (all (almost all?) java
> packages use JAI, which is non-free software, incompatible with the
> GPL-license of many of the java packages). A similar (but less
> problematic) situation for mapguide, which relies on openssl (which is
> open source, but in principle not compatible with GPL).
> If osgeo provides a repository which is perhaps a little less strict
> in its packaging guidelines, eg allowing java packages with their
> libraries not built from source, less strict licensing guidelines,
> allow installation under /opt these packages may still be provided
> (hopefully an intermediate staging step until they can be provided in
> debian).
> Anyway, before releasing any server packages of osgeo projects I think
> we should think about how security updates can be provided for the
> packages we provide. If these are simple (applying a patch and
> recompiling, replace a jar with a new version) this is possible. If
> the upstream project does not release fixes (or only in versions which
> are incompatible with the current release) it is impossible to support
> them (and it would be unwise to use it anyway).
> If we have a repository, I doubt whether having a seperate server dvd
> is so useful. I guess most server admins will choose one
> project/platform to base their application on. I don't see the why we
> should have an installation which provides eg geoserver and mapguide
> and mapserver (etc).
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
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