[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live Greek translation

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 19:56:07 EDT 2010

Welcome aboard. As mentioned on IRC, details about translating are here:

On 8/10/2010 10:51 AM, Angelos wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I heard about the translation in the irc channel a while ago and I 
> would like to help translate the documentation in Greek.
> I use OSGeo-Live to show my students about free geospatial software 
> back at my university (National Technical University of Athens). It 
> would be very helpful to provide documentation in Greek.
> Also, I have a remote sensing background and I have been very 
> interested in WKTRaster, Rasdaman and ZooWPS.
> I will try to contribute to those parts of the live dvd when I find 
> some free time or I will try to find a volunteer among my students to 
> test and contribute.
> Also, I am developing a free algorithm/software for object based image 
> analysis (something similar to eCognition) and plan to release some 
> alpha version very soon.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mseg/ 
> <http://www.linkedin.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge%2Enet%2Fprojects%2Fmseg%2F&urlhash=vWYv&_t=mbox_mebc> 
> This will have to go way too much distance to be final (this time is 
> only cli, like gdal), but I hope some day I will have it on OSGeo-Live 
> for everyone to use.
> :)
> Thanks for the great job you have done with OSGeo-Live!
> It is nice to join the effort.
> Angelos Tzotsos (a.k.a. kalxas)
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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