[Live-demo] Sphinx errors

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 04:52:53 EDT 2010

> I'm using Debian Lenny, and I got sphinx by following the
> instructions at:

Hi, I'm running Lenny too. If I recall correctly, the version of
sphinx in ubuntu Lucid (the build platform) is a bit more up to
date and the lenny version complains sometimes about syntax
changes.  (I think it had to do with image size as "50" not "50 %"
?) I think Jody may have also run into some of these issues too.

so for testing the sphinx stuff I installed qemu-kvm for lenny
from backports.org and run xUbuntu 10.04 in a virtual machine.
(of course you need a new enough CPU to do hardware virtualization)

hope it helps,

ps- we should switch back to 'svn co' instead of 'svn export'
of the gisvm/ dir in trunk now we are back in devel mode.


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