[Live-demo] Countdown to OSGeoLive 4.0 announcement (in 24 hours?)

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Sep 1 18:48:30 EDT 2010

On 09/01/2010 03:38 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>  I'm trying very hard to get all loose ends tied up so that we can
> release OSGeoLive as early in this week as possible, so we can pick up
> all pre-foss4g marketing buzz possible (as opposed to post foss4g when
> news channels will be swamped with GeoSpatial Open Source stories).
> I'd like to release in 24 hours (Friday morning in Australia, Thursday
> evening in the US).
> What is left to do:
> * Finish 20minute lightening osgeolive presentation. (I'm on track to
> finish tonight).
> * Write press release (I'll start now)
> * Copy our current docs to the web site. I think we are very close.
> There are a few outstanding comments from Hamish which we haven't
> addressed, and we need to adjust words to correctly reflect our
> relationship with OSGeo on the home page). Hamish, are there any show
> stoppers you would like fixed. (We can update next week if we miss
> something)
> * Have osgeolive 4.0.1 ready for downloading. Alex, what is the status
> there?
> * What have I missed?

Working on the mirroring idea right now, should have something going by
tonight or falling back to a simpler setup. We should be able to make
that timeline fine.


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