[Live-demo] Countdown to OSGeoLive 4.0 announcement (in 24 hours?)

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Sep 2 21:26:39 EDT 2010

On 09/02/2010 06:03 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> On 03/09/10 10:07, Hamish wrote:
>> Hamish:
>>> I've just made some edits.. mentioning OSGeoLive 5 times in
>>> 3 sentences was rather overdoing it IMO.
>> (but more importantly, the first sentence has to explain what the
>> heck the thing is)
>> H
> Hamish, I like your edits. I'll dig up the rest of the package version
> numbers when I boot back into linux this evening, with the intend of
> publishing ~ 9pm my time in Sydney.
> We still need to copy the documentation across to live.osgeo.org
> I'm not sure if I have permissions to do that.
> Alex, Hamish, is that something you can do?

I was planning to do it once the downloads were ready.

FYI, mirror software is installed, now configuring.


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