[Live-demo] volunteers needed to translate the documents from OSGeoLive to other languages

Firman Hadi jalmiburung at gmail.com
Sat Sep 11 22:54:41 EDT 2010

Dear Cameron,

My osgeo user id is Firman_Hadi.
I have downloaded the document via SVN and OmegaT, but still learning on how to use OmegaT :D

Kind regards,

Firman Hadi
Center for Remote Sensing - ITB
Jl. Ganesha No. 10, 
Labtek IX-C, 3rd Floor
Bandung - 40132
Phone: +62-22-2530701
Fax: +62-22-2530702
Website : http://crs.itb.ac.id ; www.sigro.org
Blog : http://jalmiburung.wordpress.com
JepratJepret: http://jalmiburung.fotografer.net

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