[Live-demo] OmegaT and SVN

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 11:36:35 EDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 16:16 +0200, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> El 13/09/10 11:16, Anne Ghisla escribió:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm using OmegaT for Italiana translation.
> > Is there a way of creating a OmegaT project with already half-translated
> > files in the target directory? I tried creating a new project for
> > Japanese as test, pointing OmegaT to the folder in SVN, but it doesn't
> > pick up the work already done, and if I save, it undoes all
> > translations.
> > Sorry if I miss something obvious.
> > 
> > any hints are most welcome!
> > thanks,
> > Anne
> > 
> > 
> Hi Anne,
> That's called "aligning" in translation jargon, and it seems that OmegaT
> doesn't come with an aligner but looking on the website it seems there
> are a couple of developments that you can try. I've never used them, sorry
> http://www.omegat.org/en/resources.html
> Please, tell us if you're successful or not on that task because it's a
> very interesting information for other translators.

Hi Jorge,

thanks for the link! I'm looking at it, I will give feedback asap.

cheers all,
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