[Live-demo] schedule of build process

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 17:07:56 EDT 2010

If you only have 2 days before going to the printer, I think you are 
wise not to print a German DVD this time around, as we have not had time 
to do any testing, and there is a good chance we will have errors.

However, what we can have in place within 2 weeks for Integeo is to have 
the German documentation complete and on the website at 

I expect we will also be able to have a 4.1 version of the DVD ready to 
download at the same time.

German translators,
Is this something that you think is achievable?
(It looks like you are pretty close already)

On 21/09/10 00:26, Lars Lingner wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> I just hat a phone call with the dvd printer. It would be possible to
> delay the job a few days. But we are not able to finish the german
> translation in time.
> So we had to decide to hand out an partly translated DVD or using the
> current release. We are now going to print the current version.
> With this email I just want to let the translator know, that there is
> now no hurry any more. For the FOSSGIS Conference we will have enough
> time to make a nice localized German version.
> Also we don't need to build and test a new release for the INTERGEO.
> Thanks to all!
> Lars
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> =vieC
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
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