[Live-demo] OSGeo Production Server

Hernan Olivera lholivera at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 09:24:54 EDT 2010

Hi guys. Thanks for your responses.

It seems that the best choice is packaging for Debian/Ubuntu, as Johan
says and Cameron agrees.  May be there are three posible metaprojects:
osgeolive, osgeoserver and osgeoworkstation (and the possibility of
merging the last two). This will take Hamish consideratios about extra

Following Cameron's list:

1. A person (maybe you?) steps forward to coordinate.

That's ok for me. It would be great.

2. We define what the requirements should be for a Server version of OSGeo.

What is the best way to do this?

3. We translate these requirements into general requirements for each
project to follow when building their application. (Their build script
may need to accept 2 build options, one for a DVD target and the other
for a server).

Maybe we need a transition, still use build script for applications
not packed as .deb, while searching for resources to pack them. It's
not so clear for me what is the best way.

4. We set add milestones to the OSGeoLive schedule.

5. We test, test, and more test. (This is the hardest part to resource)

Now I'm setting up an Ubuntu server (amd 64) and installing OSGeo
software on it. That's why I started asking myself this questions. A
'reference distro' for geospatial work will be strategic. I think
OSGeo is the right place to do this.

I have a lot to learn!


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