[Live-demo] Cross reference between OGC standards & OS projects. Is your project correctly listed?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Aug 2 02:52:54 EDT 2011


It's a compromise to satisfy the needs of osgeo-live being able to run
without internet access. Also I believe the standards overview pages are
actually written by OGC as a human readable summary which of course can
include the read more online links. I don't know how many OGC specs
you've tried to read but if I didn't have wikipedia summaries I'm not
sure I'd understand what many of them are. Keep in mind the disc is many
people's 1st exposure to the Geospatial world not just FOSS.


On 08/01/2011 03:43 PM, Peter Baumann wrote:
> Frank, Cameron-
> while I appreciate the idea of homogenization, to me it seems more
> natural to keep references to the standards: if I read a linked "OGC
> WCS" I'd expect a link to OGC WCS. The OSGeo description page is a
> paraphrasing of the standards texts, but not authoritative.
> my 2 cents,
> Peter
> On 08/02/2011 12:38 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Frank,
>> I suspect these proposals are a good idea, but as yet I'm unclear
>> about what we gain by changing the way to use hyperlinks.
>> I'd really like to revisit your suggestions as we move into the next
>> release, but as we are getting close to this release, and as
>> translators are working like mad translating the English docs, we
>> should be doing our best to keep the English docs as static as
>> possible, and only change the English docs if we find something wrong.
>> On 01/08/11 22:25, Frank Gasdorf wrote:
>>> @Cameron, this step will help us to harmonize
>>> <http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/harmonize.html> the cross
>>> references to the standard overview documents.
>>> Today (revision 6683 : https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset/6683) I
>>> updated geoserver_overview and there you can see the :doc: directives
>>> (in Implemented Standards section) which uses the headline from the
>>> overview page itself.
>>> :doc:`<../standards/wms_overview>`    and
>>> :doc:`Web Map Service (WMS) <../standards/wms_overview>`
>>> will result into <a href="">Web Map Standard (WMS)</a>
>>> In my opinion we should update it to :doc: instead of relative links
>>> with html string in it like to one of the two mentioned above:
>>> `Web Map Service (WMS) <../standards/wms_overview.html>`_
>>> We should also grep in all rst file (except the on in standards sub
>>> folder) for links to the opengeospatial standards links like :
>>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms
>>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs and so on
>>> and replace these with a OSGeo standard overview page link (:doc:`Web
>>> Map Service (WMS) <../standards/wms_overview>`). All abbreviation
>>> without a link could be update too.
>>> If you need any help to update the rst docs let me know....
>>> A second enhancement from my point of view: Add a link from each
>>> standard page to the standards (overview) page to get an overview and
>>> a context for the user. Would you agree?
>>> Cheers, Frank
>>> 2011/8/1 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>>
>>>     Byron Cochrane has been building a valuable cross reference, listing
>>>     servers and clients to the common OGC standards. I've copied it
>>> into the
>>>     spreadsheet at [1], and intend to copy into a table in the
>>> OSGeo-Live
>>>     docs, inside our section on standards.
>>>     Could all projects please have a look, and correct any mistakes
>>> in the
>>>     spreadsheet.
>>>     [1]
>>> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB#gid=10
>>> <https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB#gid=10>
>>>     I'll copy the contents from the online spreadsheet into
>>> subversion in a
>>>     couple of days, on 3 August 2011.
>>>     Below is a copy from the spreadsheet into email ...
>>>     Web Services:
>>>     ============
>>>     52nSOS                            SOS
>>>     52nWPS                        WPS
>>>     52nWSS
>>>     atlasstyler
>>>     deegree    WMS    WFS    WCS        CSW    WPS    SOS
>>>     gdal
>>>     geokettle
>>>     geomajas
>>>     geomoose
>>>     geonetwork    WMS    WFS    WCS        CSW
>>>     geopublisher
>>>     geoserver    WMS    WFS    WCS
>>>     gmt
>>>     gpsdrive
>>>     grass
>>>     gvsig
>>>     kosmo
>>>     libLAS
>>>     mapbender
>>>     mapfish
>>>     mapguide    WMS    WFS
>>>     mapnik
>>>     mapproxy    WMS            WMTS
>>>     mapserver    WMS    WFS    WCS
>>>     maptiler
>>>     marble
>>>     mb-system
>>>     openjump
>>>     openlayers
>>>     opencpn
>>>     optics
>>>     osm
>>>     osgearth
>>>     ossim
>>>     otb
>>>     pgrouting
>>>     postgis
>>>     prune
>>>     qgis
>>>     qgis_mapserver    WMS
>>>     R
>>>     rasdaman            WCS            WPS
>>>     saga
>>>     sahana
>>>     spatialite
>>>     tinyows        WFS
>>>     udig
>>>     ushahidi
>>>     viking
>>>     zygrib
>>>     zoo-project                        WPS
>>>     ======================================
>>>     Web Clients:
>>>     ==========
>>>     52nSOS
>>>     52nWPS
>>>     52nWSS
>>>     atlasstyler
>>>     deegree    WMS    WFS    WCS
>>>     gdal
>>>     geokettle        WFS            CSW        SOS
>>>     geomajas    WMS    WFS    WCS        CSW
>>>     geomoose    WMS
>>>     geonetwork    WMS    WFS    WCS        CSW
>>>     geopublisher
>>>     geoserver
>>>     gmt
>>>     gpsdrive
>>>     grass
>>>     gvsig    WMS    WFS    WCS        CSW
>>>     kosmo    WMS    WFS
>>>     libLAS
>>>     mapbender    WMS    WFS
>>>     mapfish    WMS    WFS
>>>     mapguide    WMS    WFS
>>>     mapnik
>>>     mapproxy
>>>     mapserver    WMS    WFS
>>>     maptiler
>>>     marble
>>>     mb-system
>>>     openjump    WMS    WFS
>>>     openlayers    WMS    WFS        WMTS
>>>     opencpn
>>>     optics
>>>     osm
>>>     osgearth
>>>     ossim
>>>     otb
>>>     pgrouting
>>>     postgis
>>>     prune
>>>     qgis    WMS    WFS
>>>     qgis_mapserver
>>>     R
>>>     rasdaman
>>>     saga
>>>     sahana
>>>     spatialite
>>>     tinyows
>>>     udig    WMS    WFS
>>>     ushahidi
>>>     viking
>>>     zygrib
>>>     zoo-project
>>>     --     Cameron Shorter
>>>     Geospatial Solutions Manager
>>>     Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>>     Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>>     Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>>     Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>>>     http://www.lisasoft.com

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