[Live-demo] Re: we are running out of time to have libLAS on OSGeo-Live?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 18:11:44 EDT 2011

Thanks Manuel.

Howard has provided us with an installed application, Project Overview 
and Quickstart. These all look pretty good. This means that we are not 
breaking our own policy regarding level of quality of software and 
documentation. Thanks Howard.

On 04/08/11 19:07, Manuel Grizonnet wrote:
> Hi all,
> FYI, the source code of the LibLas library is integrated in the Orfeo 
> ToolBox library (included is osgeo live) and it works well!
> There is a small example in the OTB software guide which make use of 
> LibLAS to read a lidar data  file. You can find a example here: 
> http://orfeo-toolbox.org/SoftwareGuide/SoftwareGuidech7.html#x29-980007.2
> Manuel
> 2011/8/2 Howard Butler <hobu.inc at gmail.com <mailto:hobu.inc at gmail.com>>
>     On Aug 1, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>     > Our criteria for getting an application written up on OSGeo-Live
>     is that either:
>     > 1. You can run it and see it tested
>     > 2. You are a library which has graduated OSGeo incubation.
>     > This criteria is in place as a demonstrated commitment to
>     quality. If the project has not gone through the incubation
>     process, then we have at least proven that it can be installed,
>     and users can see it working.
>     libLAS is probably too small to ever go through OSGeo incubation.
>      OSGeo-Live presumably includes things like curl and libxml2, etc.
>      libLAS is essentially that, except for LiDAR data.  It's never
>     going to big enough to have a community behind it.  libLAS'
>     "users" are really other applications like GRASS, and my efforts
>     with getting libLAS on the OSGeo-LiveDVD were essentially to lay
>     the groundwork so applications like that can take advantage of
>     that.  It's not really a user-facing application.
>     >
>     >>> . Cameron Comment: Please include a suitable graphic. In this
>     case, probably a pretty picture of LiDAR data over a coverage?
>     Maybe something like this:
>     http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/911/images/lg-map-lidar1.jpg . Make
>     sure you have rights to publish the image.
>     >> I do not want to give any impression that libLAS is a LiDAR
>     exploitation or visualization tool.  Putting a picture of a
>     rendered elevation model or some such visualization on the
>     quickstart might give that impression.  libLAS is water pipes and
>     plumbing, not Trevi Fountain :)
>     >
>     > We have an image on each page in order to draw people's eye in.
>     It is a common practice on marketing documents, and doesn't need
>     to be directly related to the text. Marketing documents often have
>     pictures of smiling people looking at a white board.
>     >
>     > I note that you have a logo. Can you please also include a
>     picture which ideally is related to the libLAS document. (hence my
>     suggestion of a LIDAR picture, but I'm happy for you to suggest
>     something different)
>     /me wanders through wikipedia for a picture of Kane from Mortal
>     Kombat shooting his eye laser :)
>     >>
>     >>> .. Cameron Comment: Note that many (most?) readers won't know
>     what LIDAR, or ASPRS LAS is. They also might not be connected to
>     the internet, so won't be able to follow links you provide. Hence,
>     please add a sentence or two here explaining what they are and why
>     you would use it.
>     >> Can one call oneself a GIS practitioner these days an not know
>     what LiDAR is?
>     > Many (most?) people looking at this DVD will not be GIS
>     practitioners. They may be software developers are setting up a
>     web mapping website, are familiar with WMS and Google Maps, and
>     have been asked to see if there is anything else on this DVD worth
>     investing in.
>     >
>     > At conferences, I am continually surprised by the simple
>     language I need to fall back on.
>     /me wanders through wikipedia...
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> -- 
> Manuel
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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