[Live-demo] 5.0 Beta 4 Status - Space

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Aug 7 18:50:51 EDT 2011

On 08/07/2011 03:42 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> On 08/08/11 07:15, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Space - Seems like every apt-get dist-upgrade is taking more MB even
>> though I'm cleaning the old kernels out. Our datasets are also at
>> ~770MB+, we may need to selective slim part of that out or we will miss
>> our Mini ISO target of fitting on a 4GB flash drive. (Note Beta3 iso was
>> 3.8 GB which might already be too big, estimate this version is ~3.9 GB)
> I'd be interested to see a space audit between last build and this to
> see what has been included.
> As far as I'm aware, MapGuide is not included in this release any more,
> which was a few hundred meg (uncompressed)
> I wonder whether introducing the gcc 4 compiler is related. Maybe there
> is a compile option which we could use which prefers space over speed.
> Maybe our base Xubuntu size is bigger than before?
> Maybe we can remove some base Xubuntu packages?
> I'm aware that Hamish has introduced the 100Meg North Carolina dataset,
> which I understand is useful for local council type datasets.
> I think that GeoMoose, a new application, is also using a local dataset,
> not sure which, but we might be able to save space by sharing.
> Are you including windows installers in your metrics? My gut feeling is
> that we will likely need to remove installers from this release and
> instead point at a windows installer directory.
>> I already trimmed the R package selection last build and will do the
>> same to the QGIS plugins before the next run.
>> More ideas are welcome... for 5.5 I would love to focus on deb packaging
>> to reduce the redundancy of many packages (Java I'm looking at you).
>> Thanks,
>> Alex

This is the mini iso only - which means just the virtual machine/live
linux. The way I've always looked at it, if the ISO comes in under
~3.6-3.7GB it can be used on a 4GB stick with some room for persistence
(saving user data). Which means there will always be 400-600 MB for some
Win/Mac installers (A little less than current), bring the total full
ISO to 4.2-4.4 GB which is the burnable limit.

NC was supposed to be 100 MB? du tells me 432 MB for the directory. Were
we supposed to use a subset of it or the whole thing?

Yes a re-audit of Xubuntu is probably in order since it's a different
release version, I'll see if I can make a quick list by hand of things
to remove.


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