[Live-demo] 5.0 Beta 4 Status - Space

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 19:08:37 EDT 2011

re. .snv/ dirs:

In earlier releases we had changed 'svn co' to 'svn export' at
the last minute to avoid the 100% duplication of files contained
in the .svn/ dirs. (used for offline 'svn diff's and reverts)

this is especially important for the screenshot dir, which is
pretty big.

... but now that we employ the duplicate files -> hardlink trick
from fslint this isn't nearly the problem it used to be.
i.e. that 180mb you are looking at probably only takes up a few
kb in the ISO filesystem.

My 2c vote would go to again switching over from 'svn co' to
'svn export' once we pass the dev-version threshold and move
into the user-based world of the final RCs.

I would mildly argue to keep the build scripts on the disc, if
for no other reason than to nurture the curious.


ps- remember that if you do a svn checkin from a VM your login
credentials can be stored in plain text on the drive, although
we do try to wipe that out in the ISO building script. the newer
version of svn in Natty should warn you about this, but still,
please be careful that you're distributing a clean VM :-).

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