[Live-demo] Can we remove OpenJDK from OSGeo-Live?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Aug 9 17:24:21 EDT 2011

Le mardi 09 août 2011 22:59:32, Cameron Shorter a écrit :
> OSGeo-LIve project contacts,
> We are trying to find space on OSGeoLive, and expect that we can remove
> OpenJDK, the free java implementation, as most applications seem to be
> using the Sun JRE instead.
> So from the java projects:
> * Will you application be able to run without OpenJDK? (It seems that
> rasdaman is the only application drawing it in)
> * Will your application run with only Sun's JRE or do you require JDK as
> well?

I just wanted to share my surprise when reading that. I actually re-read twice 
to be sure I didn't understand it the wrong way...

Why not the other way round, that would be more consistant with the free 
software philosophy, wouldn't it ? I would hope that the software included 
could (ideally) work equally fine with both implementations (they share most of 
their source code). If not, making them work with the free implementation 
would be an interesting aim ;-)

Or by OpenJDK, do you mean the full JDK from OpenJDK (openjdk-6-jdk), instead 
of the JRE from OpenJDK (openjdk-6-jre) ?

2 cents from an outsider...

Best regards,


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