[Live-demo] 5.0 rc1 testing report

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 20:01:19 EDT 2011

> > 6. 52NorthSOS - not working
> > 7. 52NorthWPS - not working
> > 8. 52NorthWSS - not working
> > For 52North projects, Hamish reported them working on
> > the VM. Can someone else try from ISO to confirm?

> The people from 52n have applied a number of fixes over the
> last couple of days, which Hamish may had included in the VM
> he was testing from.
> In particular, there was a delay added in the start scripts
> to give the server time to start before the browser opens.

I wildly suspect the problem was due to re-use of common
ports by multiple geo-service apps. while it is too late now
to change them, in future please avoid ports 8000, 8080, 8081,
8082.. as everyone else has the same idea and is trying to use
them as well.

or it could be a matter of waiting longer before loading the
web page... (I'm testing on a reasonably fast smp VM)



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