[Live-demo] 5.0 graphics drafts

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Aug 23 01:59:34 EDT 2011

DVD Label options: For comparison, since it was requested here's the
logos full color on a white background:

Compared with something similar to the previous post:

If you have a preference or want to see something different, please let
us know.


On 08/21/2011 10:06 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Here's an updated version of the DVD, which can easily be applied to the
> Jacket. The yellow is now closer to a recommended color from the makers
> of the OSGeo logo, and the fade is more yellow than red as that color
> works better with the OSGeoLive logo, also did a slight fade on the
> foss4g so the red isn't as strong. I am very hesitant to not use the
> official colors for the logos and actually might need to adjust them to
> print right (just noticed the 4.5 discs are a little purple).
> I made minor changes to the text, not 100% what you said, but I'll try
> that next to see what it looks like.
> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/190/disclabel50alt3.png/
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 08/21/2011 08:49 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Alex,
>> For the DVD. I like the layout. I think word selection is good, although
>> bottom might work better with:
>> Geospatial Open Source
>> 5.0 Devner, Sept 2011
>> 1. Insert Disc
>> 2. Reboot
>> 3. Trial Applications
>> I like the reds in the colours, but can see where Brian is coming re
>> colour clash between blues and greens (although I'm not as concerned
>> about it as Brian).
>> I expect that it would like quite good if you changed all blues and
>> greens to an equivalent red shade of colour?
>> For the Cover:
>> Front layout looks good. Same comments re colours.
>> If you have OSGeo-Live logo on front, then I suggest you don't need to
>> OSGeo-Logo on the flip side. That will give you space to increase font
>> size of contents.
>> You might want to use a washed red background for the contents page
>> (similar to the front).
>> On 22/08/2011 10:28 AM, maplabs at light42.com wrote:
>>> In my opinion there are fundemental, unresolved problems with clashing
>>> colors here
>>> We dont have a budget, of either time nor money, to do the treatment
>>> it deserves
>>> Although I am personally saddened by the loss of an opportunity
>>> IMO it is far bettter to ship with less, and have excellent quality
>>> within
>>> rather than allow the first impression to be that of haphazard
>>> clashing clipart smorgasboard
>>> I suggest that we ship at OSGeo with a blank paper sleeve and B&W disk
>>> label
>>> rather than cover this amazing piece of work with a jacket that does
>>> not reflect its quality and care.
>>> Even If there are more candidates for cover and disk label with artwork
>>> it is still rather late in the process to work out the inevitable 
>>> details
>>>   -Brian
>>> On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:44:51 -0700, Alex Mandel  wrote:
>>> Here are some mockups I put together based on Brian's theme. Please
>>>> provide feedback on text changes, suggestions for visual clarity etc.
>>>> DVD label
>>>> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/disclabel50alt2.png/
>>>> DVD Jacket
>>>> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/jacket50.png/
>>>> SVG sources are available for tinkering at:
>>>> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/artwork/sleeve/5.0
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex

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