[Live-demo] Java apps: better get working on your OpenJDK port ...

Frank Gasdorf fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Dec 21 05:01:31 EST 2011

I guess had this request and answer session last August. I'm not sure
but I guess anything hasn't changed since, has it?

Please have a look :

Cheers, Frank

2011/12/21 Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <jsanz at osgeo.org>:
> Hash: SHA1
> El 20/12/11 23:53, Hamish escribió:
>> Hi,
>> as we suspected would happen eventually, Oracle is
>> pulling the rug out and retiring their Java-6 Open
>> Distribution license, so in future end-users will
>> have to download it themselves. thus anything which
>> doesn't work with OpenJDK is going to be SOL very
>> soon as we can't legally ship Sun's Java6 anymore.
>> dunno if that also applies to the JAI library
>> which is in the same license boat.
>> on the plus side:
>> -OpenJDK has come a really long way recently
>> -hey maybe this frees us up some disc space ;-)
>> I don't know if it will still be in the 11.04 repos
>> (as anything other than a wrapper package that says
>> it isn't there any more) by the time of our final
>> build; the java browser plugin is already disabled
>> in 10.04LTS+ as ubuntu aren't allowed to distribute
>> bug fixes to known security holes in it.
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2011-December/001528.html
>> http://robilad.livejournal.com/90792.html
>> If you want to live dangerously and hold on to what
>> you've got, before it gets removed by a security
>> update:
>> sudo aptitude hold sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre  sun-java6-jdk
>> sudo su
>> echo "sun-java6-jdk hold" | dpkg --set-selections
>> echo "sun-java6-jre hold" | dpkg --set-selections
>> echo "sun-java6-bin hold" | dpkg --set-selections
>> (I consider the browser plugin to be a no-hoper so
>> leave it out of the above)
>> have fun,
>> Hamish
> The gvSIG debian package of the OSGeo Live works with OpenJDK so from
> our part is ok, with the proper testing, script tweaking, etc.
> Thanks for the notice Hamish
> - --
> Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
> http://es.osgeo.org
> http://jorgesanz.net
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