[Live-demo] strange characters in the SVN version of translated files into 'ES' - Encoding problems?

Javi Sanchez jsgisdev at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 18:15:15 EST 2011

On 01/04/2011 07:49 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 01/04/2011 10:31 AM, JAVIER SANCHEZ wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I´ve noticed when commiting translated files, that the svn repository
>> versions have those caracteristics extrange caracters, when encodings are
>> not compatible.
>> I just wonder if someone has already had the same problem. Sorry if this
>> off-topic.
>> Javi.
> Do you see the problem when you checkout the files? Or is it that you
> see funny characters if you browse the svn either via svn.osgeo.org or
> trac.osgeo.org?
> Thanks,
> Alex
Hi Alex,

Is when I browse the files via svn.osgeo.org that I see the funny 
characters. When I checkout or export a file  to my computer, characters 
are correct. So, Is it not supposed to be wrong?



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