[Live-demo] RE: MapGuide on LiveDVD 5.0

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Tue Jul 5 19:13:44 EDT 2011

if I recall, MapGuide is 4x larger than the nearest second size, and 
 10x larger than most ordinary packages
Put another way, it is by far the largest package, and takes up the 
space of at least 5 big packages, by itself
There is nothing else even close to its size - it is disproportionally 
larger than anything else

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
415-717-4462 cell

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:15:47 -0700, Trevor Wekel
Hi Johan,
> I believe the current (trunk) versions of the third party 
> dependencies for FDO and MapGuide are gcc 4.4 compatible.  That was 
> the key blocker from last year.  As far as I know, no one has done an 
> end to end build of FDO and MapGuide on Ubuntu 11 / gcc 4.4.  It 
> would also be good to use Ubuntu distro libraries instead of our 
> "third party" copies where applicable.  The FDO cmake process makes 
> this possible.  It hasn't been done for MapGuide yet. 
> On top of all this, building and configuring with the Ubuntu distro 
> versions of Apache and PHP would save some space.  For the purposes 
> of a demo DVD, we could drop Tomcat and save a few more megs. 
> Regards,
> Trevor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Van de Wauw [mailto:johan.vandewauw at gmail.com] Sent: July 
> 5, 2011 1:03 PM
> To: Trevor Wekel
> Cc: live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] RE: MapGuide on LiveDVD 5.0
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Trevor Wekel
> <trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com> wrote:
> > Moving discussion to the list... 
> >
> > Implementing native compilation on Ubuntu 11 for MapGuide and Fdo 
> will take some time.  As such, we will be unable to make the LiveDVD 
> 5 deadlines.  We are already past the cut off for the install 
> scripts. 
> I remember this discussion from one year ago [0]. Have you made any
> progress up to now, or what is blocking progress?
> >
> > I understand that taking MapGuide off the LiveDVD will "free up" 
> space which will quickly be consumed.  If MapGuide cannot be fit 
> onto LiveDVD 5.5, may I suggest that we move to a multi-dvd set. 
>  Perhaps a "Desktop" DVD and a "Server" DVD.  4.77GB for 40+ 
> projects is quite small. 
> > ... 
> >
> > One last comment. Mapguide is the largest installed application on 
> osgeo-live. If we remove it now, and other applications are installed 
> in its place, it will be difficult to find enough space to fit it 
> back in. 
> Mapguide would be a lot smaller if it would use shared dynamic
> libraries. The same is true for most java gis programs/libraries on
> the dvd (have we started implementing the fslint hard linking?). There
> is still a lot of space to gain. I don't think we will ever have to
> split the dvd if we package things properly, (once one dvd is too
> small almost nobody will be using dvd's anymore). 
> But anyway, since mapguide is an osgeo project I think it should get
> priority over other applications if we get into space troubles. 
> [0] http://www.osgeo.org/pipermail/ubuntu/2010-April/000190.html
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