[Live-demo] Fwd: wms and walkthough 1

Frank Gasdorf fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jul 19 03:01:40 EDT 2011

> I updated the quickstart guide [1], could anybody have a look at it,
> especially the English one -I'm not a native speaker ;) - changed from
> udig_data data set to natural earth. The German and the English quickstarts
> are up to date (textual). What still need a bit love are the screenshots.
> I'm going to start taking these tomorrow but like to set up the 5.0 beta1
> before.

Is there a link where we can see that document in "published"
human readable form?

> Cheers
> Frank
> [1] :
> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en/quickstart/udig_quickstart.rst

I updated the quickstart guide [1], could anybody have a look at it,
>> especially the English one -I'm not a native speaker ;) - changed from
>> udig_data data set to natural earth. The German and the English quickstarts
>> are up to date (textual). What still need a bit love are the screenshots.
>> I'm going to start taking these tomorrow but like to set up the 5.0 beta1
>> before.
> Is there a link where we can see that document in "published"
> human readable form?

In the Live DVD wiki I found a link for the latest development build, But
couldn't find a hint about the update cycle :

I checked the current available latest docs and these are not the latest :(
It would be great to have a build process on a hudson for the docs only,
that everybody how contributes has early feedback. Do you know who could
add/admin a hudson/jenkins job for the Live docs?

I could give support for that!

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