[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo] #731: SVN commit access for LiveDVD

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 17 02:40:53 EDT 2011

#731: SVN commit access for LiveDVD
 Reporter:  olt           |        Owner:  live-demo@…              
     Type:  task          |       Status:  closed                   
 Priority:  normal        |    Milestone:                           
Component:  LiveDVD       |   Resolution:  fixed                    
 Keywords:  livedvd, svn  |  

Comment(by olt):

 Replying to [comment:2 wildintellect]:
 > As for your script I have a few questions/comments:
 > 1. Any reason mapproxy deb can't be added to ubuntgis-repo? (Is the deb
 source available?)

 No. The debian package is just new and I haven't found time to bring this
 forward. I contacted a DebianGIS packager (David Paleino) that was
 interested in MapProxy, but he is busy right now.
 The debian directory is included in the MapProxy repository.

 Does it have to be added to DebianGIS at first, or is it OK to add new
 packages to UbuntuGIS?

 > 2. Since it's just a python app I'm wondering why not just use the pip
 install method and specify a target version?

 Some people (me included) don't like to install (unmanaged) Python
 packages into the system installation. It's to easy to overwrite or get
 conflicts with existing system packages. I use virtualenv in most cases to
 circumvent this, but a deb package is more clean IMO.

 > 3. wget -c is not advised as a script run a second time may fail to grab
 the newest versions of files.

 I will add the timestamp option as Hamish suggested to be on the safe

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/731#comment:4>
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