[Live-demo] Documentation for v5

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Jun 24 16:59:02 EDT 2011

On 06/24/2011 01:48 PM, activityworkshop wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed from the schedule spreadsheet that the deadline for updating
> the english docs is 18th July.  I just have a couple of questions about
> this, maybe someone on the list can help:
> - I've heard that the dvd v5 will probably use Xubuntu 11.04 (Natty
> Narwhal) as a base.  Can anyone confirm this, that the versions of the
> applications will be those in the Natty repositories?
> - In the last release, many of the screenshots were made with Barcelona
> as a theme.  Is any such theme planned for v5 ?
> Thanks,
> activityworkshop

Alpha1 build from last week tested with Natty, Alpha2 build this week
will also test with Natty. Unless there are major roadblocks, that will
be the case.

As for theme, the location of FOSS4G is how we pick, so yes the theme
for this version will be Denver (Probably also it's code name). We do
however only plan to change the them on major versions, 4,5,6 and not on
minor 4.5,5.5,6.5 those are meant to just be updates of existing builds.

PS: For those watching I do plan to build Alpha2 starting today,
hopefully done over the weekend.


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