[Live-demo] 5.0alpha2 build logs

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Jun 27 17:28:22 EDT 2011

On 06/27/2011 04:32 AM, Pirmin Kalberer wrote:
> Hi all,
> Am Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011, um 06.55:21 schrieb Hamish:
>> Alex wrote:
>>> http://live.osgeo.org/dev/build/5alpha2-log.tar.gz
>>> Went a little better than last time. I had to manually
>>> interrupt and restart it (though not clean) somewhere towards
>>> the end of Java stuff.
> [...]
>> 5.0a2 quick build log review:
>> everyone:
>> ${CURLY} brackets do nothing to protect the command line from
>> spaces and special chars within variables. Use "double quotes"
>> for that.
>> geoserver:
>> FIXME: 'export FOO=bar' is a Bashism and will not work with Ubuntu's
>> #!/bin/sh  (which is dash)
> [...]
> Maybe it would make life easier if we set bash as standard shell?
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
> #DESELECT standard shell
> Regards
> Pirmin

I'd rather people just use !/bin/bash if they absolutely need it.
Ubuntu made a switch for a reason - extreme speed up in boot time
(amongst others) which I think is an important enough aspect of
something booted from DVD or USB stick.

We've done pretty good so far not needing to use BASH though and I think
we can still manage without it. Not to say I haven't thought about
starting some python scripts to do certain things.


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