Fwd: Re: [Live-demo] Impacts of OSGeo-Live document license selection on OSGeo

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 02:20:22 EDT 2011

On 28/06/2011 11:20 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> On 28/06/11 09:41, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> However, in cases where someone was considering including a Project
>> Overview into a restrictive licensed work, the author will likely decide
>> to rewrite equivalent material to the Project Overview, rather than
>> re-licensing their work under a CC-By-SA, and we thus loose the
>> marketing value of these works attributing OSGeo-Live authors.
> How do you loose marketing value?
> Sorry for being so thick but I can't see how the SA option restricts 
> marketing.
> Can you specify some examples where this selection would restrict use, 
> derivative creation, etc. 

For example, Lets say I'm writing a Design document for a project, or 
responding to a Request for Quotation, where the proposed solution makes 
use of a number of OSGeo-Live applications. Both documents would likely 
require a description of included applications. Also, in both cases, the 
document will likely be commercial in confidence due to the commercial 
sensitivities of the project.

It would be very nice to include the OSGeo-Live Project Overviews in 
these documents. If overviews are licensed as CC-By, then the Design & 
Response would both require attribution to be mentioned (hence the 
marketing or OSGeo-Live). It would also mean that a solution which makes 
use of Open Source would likely look more professional than if an author 
needed to recreate the material from scratch, and would also be more 
cost effective, which would in turn make Open Source based solutions 
more competitive in the market.

If on the other hand, Project Overviews were Share Alike, then they 
would not be allowed to be included in these commercial-in-confidence 
documents. Hence no marketing.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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