[Live-demo] New MapProxy package

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Wed May 25 13:29:31 EDT 2011

El 25/05/11 13:41, Cameron Shorter escribió:
> Thanks Olivier,
> Based upon your responses, I'm +1 for including MapProxy in OSGeo-Live.
> Could others on this list please vote within the next 48 hours. If there
> are no negative responses, I suggest that MapProxy be invited to join
> OSGeo-Live.


I'm using MapProxy on a project (with a lot of deployment problems, not
mapproxy fault) and I can say Oliver work on mailing list is just
awesome. I forsee a lot of potential of the product, specially with the
WMTS support and all the seeding sugar.

The community is not huge but it's quite active.

Best regards

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

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