[Live-demo] osgeo live badge

Jim Klassen jklassen at sharedgeo.org
Wed Oct 19 10:02:27 EDT 2011

Badge or not, adding a link on our (GeoMoose) page either under Demos or Downloads that says something to the effect of "Try it on the OSGeo LiveDVD" sounds like a good plan to me.

On Oct 19, 2011, at 8:55, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> You are back to your theme of wanting to report these metrics. Not sure it would be popular this time either. The difference between reporting and judging is small - and every one is correct in being cautious.
> I am simply looking for a way to thank those participating and asking them to give us a link :)
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 18/10/2011, at 9:23 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jody,
>> I can see both pluses and minuses to this idea, but it has certainly got me thinking.
>> You have mentioned the pluses below, of giving a project a way to clearly note the credentials of the project (in this case that the project have part of their marketing pipeline in order).
>> On the downside, I think we run the risk of confusing potential uses with lots of slightly different badges, one for osgeo, another for incubation, another for foss4g, and so on.
>> I think what you are highlighting is a much greater opportunity for providing standardised metrics which can be used to differentiate the viability of different open (and closed) source projects.
>> Users want to know:
>> * Application robustness
>> * Licence audit
>> * Community robustness
>> * Documentation available
>> * Training available
>> * ...
>> I don't have any quick answers for this yet, but do hope we can gradually work toward this.
>> On 18/10/2011 8:44 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> In the incubation committee I have been considering the role the project badges play.
>>> I was wondering if there would be interest in creating a badge for "osgeo live" participation. This would actually be really nice in that:
>>> a) projects could advertise their participation in the osgeo live project; and be rewarded for the hard work involved in participation
>>> b) the badge could serve as a link to the project description page (thus driving traffic and interest to the osgeo live project and allowing projects to quickly link to the documentation they have created).
>>> What do you think? The badge may be simple; or it may want to be a bit more specific (something like "OSgeo Live"+"Quickstart" to make it obvious that there is documentation available in trade for clicking on the link).
>>> Something to think about..
>>> -- 
>>> Jody Garnett
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>> -- 
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Solutions Manager
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