[Live-demo] updating trunk to xubuntu 12.04

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Sat Apr 28 01:08:12 EDT 2012

My areas of concern/interest:

* PostgreSQL 9.1
     done - I expect no problems there

* PostGIS 2.0
     not done. now dependent on GDAL by default
     no sign of .debs.. unclear who is doing this upstream

* Natural Earth 1.5
     a substantially cleaned version has been alluded to
     no sign of a ship date?

Big Black Hole Dept.
    Java .. I suspect we need a new someone to manage this
    quite likely that two-thirds of apps will be ok with Open JDK
    also quite likely that some number of apps will have some  
horrible problems

Python 2.7 now standard
    maybe no problems.. no clues yet

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
415-717-4462 cell

On Apr 27, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Hamish wrote:

> Hi,
> everyone ready to update trunk to xubuntu 12.04?
> better that we wait on projects rather than projects wait on us.
> cheers,
> Hamish
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