[Live-demo] updating trunk to xubuntu 12.04

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Sat Apr 28 23:30:41 EDT 2012

> Until now I have reviewed:
>> setup.sh
>> install_services.sh
>> install_mysql.sh
>> install_java.sh
>> install_apache2.sh
>> install_tomkat6.sh
>> For Java, I added the default JDK for ubuntu 12.04 which is default-jdk
>> == openjdk-6-jdk
>> Is there a reason we want openjdk-7 apart from being a newer version? Why
>> version 6 is still the default in ubuntu?
>> Thoughts?
>> Angelos
>>  More updates:
> install_geoserver.sh
> install_geomajas.sh
> install_geonetwork.sh
> install_pycsw.sh

... should also work because I built the binaries on Launchpad last night.
But it's probably a good idea to list this in the Google Docs spreadsheet
if our testing already got to this point.

Cameron, did you always update this spreadsheet for new releases. I don't
want to mess up the magic formulas ;-)


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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