[Live-demo] proposal for english documentation

Frank Gasdorf fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 6 12:51:41 PDT 2012

2012/8/6 Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com>:
> During translation I find something for me strange in English
> documentation, that I like to fix
> - rasdaman_overview.html
>  * GDAL -> :doc:`GDAL <./gdal_overview>`
> - openjub_overview.html
>  * deegree -> :doc:`deegree <./deegree_overview>`
> In other pages there are software that for me they should be linked to
> osgeo live documentation e not to main website
> what do you think?

1+ Great improvement. I thought about it when I translated
eoxserver_overview. I agree with you to link OSGeo-Live projects to
the appropriated overview document.

If you find such OSGeo-Live entries could you please update the
translated documents as well to keep these in synch. Thanks a lot

> --
> best
> Luca
> http://gis.cri.fmach.it/delucchi/
> www.lucadelu.org
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