[Live-demo] OSGeoLive6.0 RC1 is out

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sat Aug 18 10:49:32 PDT 2012


On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 1:17 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Angelos wrote:
> > > After installing rc1 to a VBox machine, all applications run fine.
> > > CPU usage is a bit high on VBox installation too.
> Alex:
> > Can you take a look at top or ps -A to see what might be eating up
> > lots of cpu? I wonder if mysql is running in the background the
> > whole time.
Alex, I ve done that and it is xorg with second being java and third
tomcat, after the desktop is loaded.

> fyi the problem I was having with that a couple of betas ago I tracked
> down to being a VM smp problem. I was telling kvm to give it two cpus,
> and dmesg in the VM was showing that linux had a problem with that and
> so was treating them like two physical cpus instead of 2 cores of the
> same, and using a huge amount of kernel overhead passing data between
> the two of them the hard way. Running 'top' showed that 30-50% of the
> system load was due to 'wa'iting for the kernel. Going back to one cpu
> in the VM setup fixed that problem, but of course made things like bootup
> run a little slower.  maybe if I told qemu/kvm the cpu type to emulate
> (go native) it would be happier?
> when using in a VM (typically tunneled over 'ssh -C') the first things I
> do are shut off the compositor (settings->advanced window manger settings)
> and set the background image to a solid color. lots less to pipe through
> that way. If I knew how to make that version of xfce only show the window
> border while moving or resizing I'd do that too.
> Hamish, I will try turning off the compositor and report back on this.

> > FYI, Full iso is built and ready for testing. We might need to comment
> > out 1-2 Win/Mac apps on the final build to make sure the ISO isn't too
> > big.
> we should run the dpkg query for package size + sort from main.sh to make
> sure no big new packages or now-redundant old now didn't get newly stranded
> on the disc. (otherwise, what grew from the last full-iso test?)
> > Mini iso also available at this link (North American server)
> >
> > http://live.osgeo.org/dev/build
> thanks,
> Hamish


Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
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