[Live-demo] Review of JTS Project Overview

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Sun Dec 9 15:42:13 PST 2012

Hi Cameron and Jody,

thanks a lot. I actually changed the name back from Java Topology Suite 
to JTS Topology Suite, since the former is VividSolution's project name, 
and Martin decided to name it "JTS Topolgy Suite" for the follow-up work.

I also did some addition to the core-features description, so people get 
an idea what a certain feature means ;)
I hope I was not wrong those...

cheers & thanks again,

Am 09.12.12 14:52, schrieb Cameron Shorter:
> I've reviewed the JTS Project Overview, and made some minor tweaks.
> You can see changes here:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset?new=9379%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Fjts_overview.rst&old=9213%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Fjts_overview.rst
> Final version should be here after the next hourly build cycle:
> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/overview/jts_overview.html
> Comments or corrections welcomed.
> Thanks Jody for the original version of this doc.

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