[Live-demo] 52n, deegree, and Rasdaman: please change your ports asap

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 1 21:38:25 EST 2012

[Re: 5.5 Beta 2 Status]
Angelos wrote:
> Please commit your fixes on svn within the next 36 hours.

This needs to be resolved ASAP:

> > Please do not use generic port numbers like 8000, 8080, etc. We
> > have a dozen web service packages all competing for the same two
> > or three numbers.
> >
> >   ** 52n, deegree, and Rasdaman: this means you too! **
> >
> > please note which port you choose on the google doc
> > spreadsheet.
> for 52n it is easy, start counting at 8052. :)

.. and update any docs so the wrong one doesn't end up in the quickstart

(hoping the ubuntugis package misalignments won't be too bad..)

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