[Live-demo] Addistional packages for workshops

Pirmin Kalberer pi_ml at sourcepole.com
Mon Feb 6 08:38:23 EST 2012

Hi all,

There is often a demand for installing additional packages for OSGeo-Live 
based workshops. Last FOSS4G I handled this by putting the apt-get 
instructions on the blackboard, but you loose always a few minutes waiting for 
all participants fixing their typos. Today I got requests for the coming 
FOSSGIS in Germany to add packages for certain workshops. My proposed solution 
for this common request is a new desktop icon, pointing to an installation 
page on the OSGeo Wiki [1]. On this page workshop organizers can add links 
like apt://qt4-designer which start up the Gnome Software Center with the 
packages automatically selected. This should be easy enough for workshop 
participants to install additional software by themselves.


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/wiki/Live_GIS_Workshop_Install

Pirmin Kalberer
Sourcepole  -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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