[Live-demo] Re: Missing "Geospatial" pull down menu

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 10 15:20:46 EST 2012

Cameron wrote:
> Hamish,
> Are you aware that in osgeolive5.5b3, we don't have a
> "Geospatial" tab in the top tool bar, which opens up the
> pull down list of applications, as per:
> http://live.osgeo.org/_images/osgeolive_menu.png

yes, see ticket #855

> Do you know how to fix this?

Alex might. Before digging into any changes, a possible work-around is to
not auto-login as 'user' upon first raw xubuntu boot, then ctrl-alt-f1
to a tty login, start gnu `screen`, and run the dvd build from there.
then only log in as 'user' once all the updated xfce scripts are in place.

hopefully we can make the already-installed menu change, but it might
be that changes are overwritten when 'user' logs out from xfce if it
is logged in to a session during build.

an alternative to ctrl-alt-f1 is to change the session login type to
fwm or fluxbox or something minimal to do the build, instead of trying to
have xfce do brain surgery on itself while it's still awake.


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