[Live-demo] vmware quickstart
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 16:28:26 EST 2012
As mentioned to Micha, at this late stage of the release cycle, I think
that we risk having docs which are not as good as they could be due to
being rushed through the review process, or if we do allocate time to
review, we may be drawing our developers away from important bug fixing.
So I'd prefer to leave further vm docs till our 6.0 release. The one
concession I could be convinced to included, would be to add a "See
Also" heading at the end of the virtualbox quickstart, which could have
links to a wiki and/or vmware page.
On 14/02/2012 7:49 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
> Thanks for reviewing.
> After a few quick emails with Cameron, It was decided at this late
> stage to wait until 6.0 rather than include an incomplete page. My
> idea was to have a link in the index (main help page), as you
> mentioned, to a "vm-overview" document which will briefly explain the
> advantages of running in a virtual machine, and will include three (at
> least) links to other documents:
> * the vmware_quickstart
> * a virtualbox quickstart
> * how to create a vm from the iso (the existing virtual_box quickstart)
> On 13/02/2012 22:29, Frank Gasdorf wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> thanks for writing this quickstart guide! I picked up the origin
>> version and translated it to German. While I've done this I updated
>> the English version as well (minor changes to have a better copy and
>> paste user experience for the Terminal commands ;)).
>> The current state is, that there is a single page that isn't
>> references anywhere else. IMHO we should add a doc: reference within
>> one or all of the following pages:
>> * osgeolive_quickstart
>> * virtualbox_quickstart and
>> * index as well.
>> In addition the cross reference should be complete from the other side
>> too, means from the vmware_quickstart in a see also section back to
>> other documents, template can be copied from virtualbox_quickstart
>> (See also)
>> Any other suggestions where to add cross references?
>> The second I would like to mention is the creation process of the
>> configuration with the easyvmx service. I guess the description is
>> well done but in case of an "offline" host, this quickstart would'nt
>> work. I also work with vmware player and vmware fusion and please
>> correct me if I'm wrong, but its not necessary to use as service like
>> easyvmx.
>> I've done the following steps:
>> - download
>> - unzip
>> - open vmware fusion (mac) / vmware player (linux, windows)
>> - "New" without an ISO image
>> - use an existing virtual divice/hdd
> AFAIK, in VMWare Player this doesn't work. It only recognizes an
> already configured *vmx*.
> The only way I've found to work around this is to create a VM with no
> OS. THen after it's ready to use, add an additional HDD. Here you can
> choose the existing vmdk for the additional disk. Now you remove the
> original (empty) disk, and it should work. But this seems more
> convoluted that just making a vmx. Perhaps we could add this procedure
> as an additional quickstart for offline VM use?
>> - choose the vmdk file
>> - properly confirm to convert, if there is a version mismatch
>> - change configuration (RAM and CPU) which leads to a save dialog to
>> save the vmx file.
>> - done.
>> Could anybody confirm this with an VMWare Player installation on
>> Linux. I'll try this on windows tomorrow...
>> An other cool idea would be an enhanced build script that already
>> creates a vmx file where the filename and the references within
>> matching the vmdk file. This vmx file could be zipped as well with
>> 7z...
> Yes, it would be nice, but disk size, and memory allocation would make
> it hard to be really applicable everywhere. I guess you could offer a
> minimal 1GB of RAM, 20GB HDD, no sound, and hope it works...
> Regards,
> Micha
>> Thanks
>> Frank
>> 2012/2/6 Micha Silver<micha at arava.co.il>:
>>> On 06/02/2012 07:41, Hamish wrote:
>>> Micha wrote:
>>> I've prepared and uploaded to the svn trunk/doc/en/quickstart
>>> directory an explanation of setting up an OSGeo VM using the
>>> VMWare Player.
>>> (I made no changes to the existing main quickstart, nor the
>>> osgeo_install files, so this new vmware quickstart won't appear
>>> anywhere yet, until it has been reviewed and a link entered into
>>> one of the main quickstarts)
>>> Comments/criticism welcome...
>>> rendered view:
>>> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/quickstart/vmware_quickstart.html
>>> Thanks, anything that needs to be added?
>>> Hamish
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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