[Live-demo] Booting from OSGEOLive USB flash drive issue

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 08:01:39 EST 2012

On 02/18/2012 11:32 PM, activityworkshop wrote:
> On 18/02/12 07:55, live-demo-request at lists.osgeo.org wrote:
>> Hi  all,
>> I'm experiencing some issues to boot my OsgeoLive 5.0 USB flashdisk.
>> Following all step provided by the link
>> http://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/usb_quickstart.html and all the 
>> steps
>> have been achieved successfully. But when I Boot the computer with 
>> the USB
>> flash drive nothing happen a get black screen with a flashing cursor.
>> Thank you for your help...
>> Regards
> I'm getting the same problem with 5.5.  I've got the mini-5.5-beta4 
> iso downloaded and checked the md5 sum.
> I've followed those same instructions (running the Startup Disk 
> Creator from within OSGeoLive 4.5 running from CD), and it seemed to 
> go fine, apart from getting really slow round about 94%.  But it said 
> it had finished successfully.
> Two different computers refuse to boot from this stick, one offers a 
> blank screen with "boot:" which refuses to do anything (typing "boot" 
> says there's no image called boot, typing enter just hangs it); the 
> other computer just doesn't see it as bootable at all.
> Both these computers boot fine from another USB stick (a Debian live 
> image copied to the stick with dd), so it's not the case that they 
> just can't boot from a USB stick.  Of course it could just be a 
> hardware problem with the second stick perhaps, but it mounts fine and 
> appears to be intact (I can read the docs, for example).  I just can't 
> boot from it to test it out.
> Sorry, I failed :/
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I have created the USB through installed versions of Ubuntu 11.10 and 
I recall a laptop refusing to boot from this USB in the past, but in 
general I don't get this.
Probably it has to do with creating the usb from within OSGeoLive DVD.

I will test with 5.5 RC1 and report back


PS I am opening a trac ticket for this

Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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