[Live-demo] Where should JAVA_HOME be set (if overriding default=openjdk 1.7)?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 12 16:53:46 EST 2012

edgar.soldin wrote:
> we should also take care that the default java
> binary in path points to the new default. this is
> how openjump finds its jdk. does
> /etc/alternatives/java point to openjdk7?

it's probably a good idea to explicitly run
`update-alternatives` in the install_java script
so that the result is clear.

> easiest solution i see is: as all projects set up
> symlinks in /usr/bin they can as well put a
> wrapper script there instead which fixes the
> environment (JAVA_HOME,PATH) and runs the
> launcher.

as a rule, custom things go into /usr/local/bin
not /usr/bin.
a number of things (I'm mostly thinking about
tomcat here, but..) already start with wrapper
scripts, so it's not a big deal to continue on with

do we have a list of projects which will not work
with the openjdk packages available? how big is
the problem?

not using the ubuntu packaged version of that (or
anything..) requires extraordinary justification.
(e.g. so `update-alternatives` etc still works...)

for 5.5 can we just continue with the sun packages
and put off worrying about openjdk for 6 months?


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