[Live-demo] Where should JAVA_HOME be set (if overriding default=openjdk 1.7)?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 22:55:50 EST 2012

Hamish wrote:
> > <2 cents>
> > </2 cents>

(i.e. meant as an opinion not a directive; if you want to
work on a nice tool to allow it to switch back and forth
and would enjoy the challenge I'm certainly not going to
tell you not to do it, I just like simple solutions that's

> overengineering it is indeed... just wanted to know if it's
> possible

anything's possible, and there is much enjoyment in over-
engineering things sometimes. (not that I'm suggesting this
is a Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson exercise :-)

> a systemwide exchange of all java components should be done
> properly, true. simply i tried never to achieve that and
> although bruno reis gives a good introduction later i
> definitely think that would be wasted effort.

if our needs are simply to swap it out during beta-testing
then we don't really need to also swap out the man pages and
ancillary stuff, just the JVM binary, so I'd guess much of
Bruno's long list could be ignored and it collapses to:

sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-sun/jre/bin/java

or something like that.

> > run-time scripts (as opposed to build-time scripts)
> > should go into gisvm/trunk/app-conf/java/ and
> > be copied into /usr/local/bin/ by the bin/install_*
> > script.
> could do so, if you want to. i feel some rejection on your
> part, which i can definitely understand.

just a personal opinion, explore the task or not as you enjoy.
The only caveat is if things aren't working 100% by release-
candidate time, and it comes down to me fixing it, fair warning
that system stability takes precedence and things will revert
back to the simple/built-in solutions.

> telling all java
> projects to set proper JAVA_HOMEs in their launch scripts
> (do all java apps use scripts?) would achieve the same with
> less effort.
> so, any one else an opinion?
> btw. i'd agree to have the java projects to adapt their
> launchers manually. they have to do so anyway.

I guess hardcoding it depends on how solidly they know it works
with ver 7 or not. better to only hardcode it in dire situations


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