[Live-demo] Re: QGIS Server on OSGEOLive

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 14:43:59 EST 2012

Thank you for explaining why QGIS Server is probably broken on 
OSGeo-Live. I hope you don't mind, but I've CCed our email list, as 
there are a number of others who will be interested in your explanation.

Re timeline, we are scheduled to hand osgeo-live over to User Acceptance 
Test in a couple of days time, on 4 Feb 2012, and then have until 18 Feb 
2012 to fix any errors we have, (this is when we will be stiking our 
final release).

Can we expect to see a 1.7.4 out within the next couple of days? 
Otherwise, we may be better to role back to a previous version. (We had 
1.7.0 installed on the last, osgeolive5.0 release).

On 01/02/12 03:16, Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Hi Cameron
> Didn't look into it yet (going to download the iso image over night). 
> However, from the log, I see that version 1.7.3 is installed. 
> Unfortunately, there is a critical bug in 1.7.3. The bug is in the 
> QGIS core part, not in the server code itself, but it causes troubles 
> for the server in most cases (a segfault).
> What is the timetable of the livedvd? I see it is called beta1, so my 
> hope is that QGIS releases the 1.7.4 soon.
> Regards,
> Marco

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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