[Live-demo] Re: QGIS Server on OSGEOLive

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 19:22:02 EST 2012

> Cameron wrote:
> > Ok, it sounds like we should be rolling back QGIS.

Hamish wrote:
> (or disabling the qgis_mapserver install script for
> this round, but I'd leave that choice to the qgis
> devs)

I'm not sure if the ubuntugis ppa pool retains old
versions when the newest is uploaded, can't see it
on the website.  so setting the version with
'apt-get install qgis=1.7.2' may not be an option;
and we'll have to drop the mapserver this time.

(due to the cross-dependencies with the grass plugin
the qgis package should come from the ubuntugis
stack instead of a personal repo)

if the bug fix is minimal, you might convince jef
to upload a qgis 1.7.3-2 package to ubuntugis's ppa
containing the patch... perhaps that's the cleanest


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