[Live-demo] [live-demo] OSGeoLive-6.0beta ISO installation issue
Angelos Tzotsos
gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 02:39:33 PDT 2012
Hi all,
There is this final major issue before we ship OSGeo-Live 6.0 RC:
I have just tested mini-iso created with backup method. During
installation on a VBox VM there was no error report, no sign of failure,
everything worked fine. During first reboot though, there is a series of
errors about failing to mount /run , /boot , /{some disk UID} etc and
this leads to a frozen system. I suspect that remastersys records the
original VM disk UID somehow and this causes this failure.
I am now going to test installing from the default mini-iso (created
with dist method) and report back.
Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
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